Updated: 10 Apr 2024, 23:45+02:00

Intro to full-stack web development with Flask

Table of contents

The code presented in this notebook is available on the fswd-app repository.

First, git clone the repository.

Next, run git checkout intro to obtain the source code at tagged location intro.

Alternatively, download a .zip file containing the source code from the GitHub web app.

Learning objectives

With this notebook, we take a tour on key elements of full-stack web development, namely:

  1. How to launch a web server
  2. How to interact with a database
  3. How to write business logic
  4. How to create a user interface (UI)
  5. How to style a web-based UI

We use a Flask-centered tech stack to accomplish these tasks:

Our tech stack

Our tech stack

  1. Flask built-in development web server, via its Werkzeug dependency (not fit for purpose for productive use)
  2. SQLite database, which comes bundled with Python
  3. Business logic written in Python, utilizing Flask functionality and Flask design concepts
  4. UI created as Jinja templates: processed by the Jinja templating engine, served as HTML pages via the web server
  5. Styling of the HTML pages with hand-written CSS, or cascading style sheets

What’s out of scope

Full-stack web development includes many more disciplines that we won’t discuss throughout this notebook. To mention a few:

  • Testing
    • Writing (automated) tests such as unit tests, integration tests, or end-to-end tests with tools like Pytest
    • Concepts like error handling or graceful degradation, which would allow the application not to terminate if we don’t follow the happy path
  • Automation
    • Putting your code in (git-based) version control
    • Setting up a continuous integration / continuous deployment pipeline (CI/CD), e.g., by leveraging GitHub Actions
  • Operations
  • Modularization
    • Design patterns like Backends-for-Frontends (BFF) to separate varied frontends (e.g., web, iOS, Android) from common backend (micro-)services
    • Refactoring the code base for better maintainability, portability, stability, etc.
  • User experience
  • Collaboration
    • Developer-centric collaboration workflows like the Issue- and Pull-Request-based workflow popularized by GitHub
    • Kanban and other ticket-based workflows to organize and prioritize chunks of work, e.g., via Trello
    • Integration of developer workflows with chat-based collaboration tools like Slack
  • Complementary technology, e.g.:

I recommend you follow the provided links to get at least an idea about the terms and technologies mentioned above.

1. Prerequisites

I assume that you have done the following:

  • A project folder exists such as C:\Users\me\projects\webapp\.
  • Flask is installed, either within a Python Virtual Environment that resides within your project folder (preferred) or as part of your global Python installation (avoid if possible).

Your project folder might look like this (Windows example, macOS slightly different):

┬ webapp/
├─┬ venv/
│ ├─┬ Lib/
│ │ └─┬ site-packages/
│ │   ├── flask/
│ │   ├── jinja2/
│ │   └── …
│ └ …
├── .gitignore
├── README.md
└── …

You might want to follow this tutorial on setting up Python and Visual Studio Code to set up everything as intended.

As a beginner to Python, you might want to consult this Python primer to learn about some basic concepts of the language.

2. Launch the web server with a minimal Flask application

2.1. Flask-powered “Hello, World!” web app

In your project folder (e.g., 📁C:\Users\me\projects\webapp\), create a new file 📄app.py:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return 'Hello, World!'

@app.route() is a Python decorator. A decorator takes a function as input and extends its behavior with additional functionality. Head over to Realpython to learn more about decorators in Python.

Having said that, you don’t need to understand the decorator design pattern to use its most common use in Flask: with @app.route() you specify the URL route for which the following function will be executed.

Next, extend 📄app.py with the following code:

def lists():
    return 'Todo: implement business logic to show all to-do lists'

def list(id):
    return 'Todo: implement business logic to show all to-dos of a particular list'

With this code, we define two additional routes:

  • /lists/ will pull all to-do lists from the database
  • /lists/<int:id> will pull all to-dos that belong to a particular list ID. Notice the dynamic path routing syntax.

We are going to build out the functionality later on.

The function definition list() shadows the Python built-in `list’ data type.

This doesn’t matter in this particular example, but should be avoided whenever possible. Here, I chose shadowing simply for readability reasons.

2.2. Run the web app with the Flask built-in development web server

Now it’s time to run this application. For that, we spin up the Flask built-in development web server and provide it the 📄app.py file we just created. Open a terminal session in your project folder:

flask run --reload
  • flask run --reload will start the Flask built-in web server with live reload enabled: after changing your app (i.e., change some code and save the file), you don’t need to stop and start the web server to get the updated behavior.
  • We called the file 📄app.py and instantiated the Flask object as app, which are the default Flask values for both. Therefore, we don’t need to provide this information to the flask run shell command. Head over to Flask docs to learn more about the Flask command-line interface (CLI).

Open a browser at You should be greeted with a simple Hello, World! message. Now, visit, and next Head back to the active terminal. It should read something like this:

(venv) PS C:\Users\me\projects\webapp> flask run --reload
* Debug mode: off
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Running on
Press CTRL+C to quit
* Restarting with stat - - [dd/mmm/yyyy hh:mm:ss] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [dd/mmm/yyyy hh:mm:ss] "GET /lists/ HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [dd/mmm/yyyy hh:mm:ss] "GET /not_implemented/ HTTP/1.1" 404 -

The web server catches any HTTP request posted to (such as the /lists/ request) and hands it over to the Flask-based application we’ve just written.

If port 5000 is already used on your computer, let the Flask web server listen to another port, e.g., port 5001 like so:

flask run --port 5001 --reload

In our current business logic (e.g., def lists(): ...) we do not provide any formatting or HTML template, we just return a string. If you inspect the output (press Shift+Ctrl+I / ++I from the browser window to open up the Inspector), you will notice a very basic HTML page has been rendered (converting the string to valid HTML happens in the background for you):

    <body>Todo: implement business logic to show all to-do lists</body>

If we submit an invalid URL like, the web server will return a 404 response code, just as expected.

3. Initialize the SQLite database

The standard Python installation includes the sqlite3 module, which gives us easy access to the SQLite SQL database engine. For a small project, its features and performance are sufficient - no need to install and run a more capable database server like PostgreSQL.

3.1. The data model

Before interacting with the database CRUD-style, we need to initialize it first, i.e., create some database tables. We’re using the following data model:

	todo {
		int id PK
		boolean complete
		string description
	todo_list {
		int todo_id FK
		int list_id FK
	list {
		int id PK
		string name
	todo ||--o{ todo_list : "included in zero to many lists"
	list ||--o{ todo_list : "holds zero to many todos"

With this data model, we can manage to-dos, and every single to-do may be organized in one or more lists for better organization.

The following SQL statement, once executed by SQLite, will create these tables. Create a folder 📁sql/, then a file 📄create_tables.sql with the following content:

    description TEXT NOT NULL
    name TEXT NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE todo_list (
    todo_id INTEGER,
    list_id INTEGER,
    PRIMARY KEY (todo_id, list_id),
  • CREATE TABLE is the SQL command to create a table.
  • With the ON DELETE CASCADE commands, we tell SQLite to automatically delete any row from todo_list that references a to-do or list ID if that particular origin ID is deleted. Without this command, we would need to do this sort of housekeeping manually to maintain referential integrity.

We could also specify ON UPDATE CASCADE when defining the foreign key: this would tell SQLite to update the foreign key if the corresponding primary key is updated. For example, if the id value on table todo (the primary key) changed from 1 to 101:

UPDATE todo SET id = 101 WHERE id = 1;

… SQLite would update all corresponding values of todo_id on table todo_list (the foreign key) from 1 to 101 automatically for us. The SQL statement to enable this behavior would read:

CREATE TABLE todo_list (
   todo_id INTEGER,
   list_id INTEGER,
   PRIMARY KEY (todo_id, list_id),

Since we don’t intend to update IDs within our code, we leave this out, though.

It is good practice to provide a second SQL statement which will delete the data model from your database, if needed. To this end, create a file 📄drop_tables.sql with the following content:


To reduce potential errors it is usually a good idea to DROP TABLE containing foreign keys first. This is why we DROP TABLE in reverse order of the CREATE TABLE statements.

If you need a refresher on SQL syntax or an introduction to the specific SQLite flavor, consult the SQLite documentation.

3.2. Database handling

In your project folder next to 📄app.py, create a new file 📄db.py:

import click
import os
import sqlite3
from flask import current_app, g

def get_db_con(pragma_foreign_keys = True):
    if 'db_con' not in g:
        g.db_con = sqlite3.connect(
        g.db_con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
        if pragma_foreign_keys:
            g.db_con.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;')
    return g.db_con

def close_db_con(e=None):
    db_con = g.pop('db_con', None)
    if db_con is not None:
  • With this code, we are now able to:
    • def get_db_con(): ... Connect to the database engine.
    • def close_db_con(): ... Close the database connection.
  • You will notice the special Flask objects current_app and g. Consult the Flask documentation or work through the Flask tutorial to learn more.
  • With PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; we tell SQLite to enforce foreign key constraints, which by default is turned off.

Not enforcing foreign key constraints is often a good thing, since SQLite will throw fewer errors during runtime. However, it comes at the expense of not guaranteeing referential integrity.

In our code, we enable foreign key enforcement as standard. This behavior can be turned off with get_db_con(False): use this to debug database errors.

3.3. Initialize the database via command-line script

In addition to get_db_con() and close_db_con(), we define a custom command-line script init-db which we will call from the terminal to create the SQLite database file later on. Extend 📄db.py with the following function definition:

def init_db():
    except OSError:
    db_con = get_db_con()
    with current_app.open_resource('sql/drop_tables.sql') as f:
    with current_app.open_resource('sql/create_tables.sql') as f:
    click.echo('Database has been initialized.')
  • os.makedirs() creates a folder at location current_app.instance_path, usually called 📁instance/.
  • Next, we execute the SQL statement from 📄drop_tables.sql to ensure we will always initialize an empty database.
  • Then, we execute the SQL statement from 📄create_tables.sql to create the tables of our data model.
  • Finally, we let the user know via a terminal message that the Database has been initialized.

We need to initialize the database with init-db just once, not every time we start the application.

To make 📄db.py useful for our application, 📄app.py needs to be extended a bit:

import os
from flask import Flask
import db

app = Flask(__name__)

    DATABASE=os.path.join(app.instance_path, 'todos.sqlite')

def index():
    return 'Hello, World!'

# [...]
  • The main functional addition is to register the init_db() function from 📄db.py with the command-line interface (CLI) of our current application: app.cli.add_command(db.init_db).
  • We also provide some Flask configuration, namely values for SECRET_KEY and DATABASE.
  • Lastly, we make sure the database connection will always be closed after use with app.teardown_appcontext(db.close_db_con).

Open a new terminal window, type in flask init-db and press Enter to initialize the database:

(venv) PS C:\Users\me\projects\webapp> flask init-db
Database has been initialized.

Validate that the SQLite database file 📄todos.sqlite has been created:

┬ webapp/
├─┬ instance/
│ └── todos.sqlite            <-- Newly created SQLite database file
├─┬ sql/
│ ├── create_tables.sql
│ └── drop_tables.sql
├── venv/
├── app.py
├── db.py
└── …

3.4. Populate the database with a sample data set

The database tables are all empty, which we are going to change next. To this end, we will do the following:

  1. Define some sample data as SQL statement.
  2. Implement a function that executes the SQL statement.
  3. Implement a route which will run the function if it is visited by the browser.

First, we define some sample data. In folder 📁/sql create the file 📄insert_sample.sql with this content:

DELETE from todo;
DELETE from list;
DELETE from sqlite_sequence;
INSERT INTO todo (complete, description) VALUES (TRUE, "Get some food");
INSERT INTO todo (description) VALUES ("Drive the bike more often");
INSERT INTO todo (description) VALUES ("Implement web app");
INSERT INTO todo (complete, description) VALUES (TRUE, "Call mom");
INSERT INTO todo (complete, description) VALUES (TRUE, "Clean up");
INSERT INTO list (name) VALUES ("Life");
INSERT INTO list (name) VALUES ("Work");
INSERT INTO list (name) VALUES ("Family");
INSERT INTO todo_list (todo_id, list_id) VALUES (1, 1);
INSERT INTO todo_list (todo_id, list_id) VALUES (2, 1);
INSERT INTO todo_list (todo_id, list_id) VALUES (2, 2);
INSERT INTO todo_list (todo_id, list_id) VALUES (3, 2);
INSERT INTO todo_list (todo_id, list_id) VALUES (4, 3);
INSERT INTO todo_list (todo_id, list_id) VALUES (5, 3);

The DELETE statements at the beginning ensure

  • the tables todo and list are empty, and
  • the SQLite-internal table sqlite_sequence is also empty, which resets the autoincrement counter back to zero.

Only then we insert the subsequent sample data.

Next, extend 📄db.py with:

def insert_sample():
    db_con = get_db_con()
    with current_app.open_resource('sql/insert_sample.sql') as f:

Lastly, we define the route /insert/sample in 📄app.py:

def run_insert_sample():
    return 'Database flushed and populated with some sample data.'

Now we are ready to visit from the browser, which will populate our database with some sample data.

If you use Visual Studio Code, install the extension SQLite by alexcvzz.

After installation, pull up the Palette (Shift+Ctrl+P) and execute the command sqlite open database. Select the todos.sqlite database. A new side pane named SQLite Explorer will open on the left-hand side, from which you will be able to inspect the todos.sqlite database. It should contain the three tables you created, and the tables should be populated with the sample data.

4. Query the database to populate HTML-based Jinja templates

Now that we have some sample data, let’s present those in the browser. In this particular use-case, two views make sense:

  1. Show all lists
  2. After clicking on a list, show all to-dos on that particular list

4.1. The base template

Create a new file 📄base.html in the new project sub-folder 📁templates/:

<!doctype html>
<html lang=en>

    <title>{% block TITLE %}{% endblock %} - To-Do App</title>

    <h1>To-Do App</h1>
    <a href="{{ url_for('lists') }}">Lists</a>
<section class="content">
    <header>{% block HEADER %}{% endblock %}</header>
    {% block CONTENT %}{% endblock %}

  • This Jinja template defines the common layout for our web application, mostly consisting of a <nav> part to place the navigation, and a <section> part to place the dynamic content pulled from the database (i.e., the lists and the to-dos, respectively).
  • With the {% block IDENTIFIER %} statement we define placeholder blocks that another template which extends 📄base.html may fill in.
  • {{ url_for('lists') }} will fetch the correct route to the list view (in our case /lists/).
  • The class="content" attribute within the <section> tag is not yet required, but a preparation for later styling with CSS.

4.2. The “lists” view

Next, create a new file 📄lists.html in the same folder:

{% extends 'base.html' %}

{% block HEADER %}
    <h2>{% block TITLE %}Lists{% endblock %}</h2>
{% endblock %}

{% block CONTENT %}
{% for list in lists %}
    <input type="checkbox" disabled=disabled id="{{ list.id }}"
        {% if list.complete %} checked {% endif %}
    <label for="{{ list.id }}">
        <a href="{{ url_for('list', id=list.id) }}">{{ list.name }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
  • {% extends 'base.html' %} tells Jinja this template is an extension to 📄base.html.
  • Nesting the block TITLE into the block HEADER is a common trick to have uniform titles both on the page itself and on the browser title bar.
  • {% for list in lists %} calls a for loop: apparently for it to work, our business logic will need to provide an iterable object called lists to the template engine (we’ll do this later).
  • Furthermore, this template expects that each entry in lists will provide key-value pairs with the keys id, complete and name - this matches our data model.
  • Jinja is capable to interpret url_for() even if called with arguments, as in this case with id=list.id.
  • On this template, we also include an if statement: {% if list.complete %}.

4.3. The “list” view

Clicking on a list entry is supposed to redirect to a new view that will show all to-dos in that particular list.

Create a new file 📄list.html with the following content:

{% extends 'base.html' %}

{% block HEADER %}
    <h2>{% block TITLE %}To-dos on list "{{ list.name }}"{% endblock %}</h2>
{% endblock %}

{% block CONTENT %}
{% for todo in list.todos %}
    <input type="checkbox" disabled=disabled id="{{ todo.id }}"
        {% if todo.complete %} checked {% endif %}
    <label for="{{ todo.id }}">{{ todo.description }}</label>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
  • This template is very similar to 📄lists.html.
  • For this template to be populated correctly, we expect a data structure with keys id, complete and description - which matches our data model.
  • Furthermore, we expect a variable named list.name to hold the name of the list on display.

Unfortuantely flask run --reload doesn’t catch changes to Jinja templates. Hence, whenever you create a new template or change an existing template, you need to restart the web server, i.e.:

  • stop the web server with Ctrl+C (on the terminal window running the web server)
  • start the web server again with flask run --reload

Since we just created three new Jinja templates, restart the web server now!

4.4. Database queries to show existing lists and to-dos

With these views in place, it’s now time to define business logic that will pull the required data from our database. Change 📄app.py to the following:

import os
from flask import Flask, render_template, redirect, url_for, request
import db

app = Flask(__name__)

    DATABASE=os.path.join(app.instance_path, 'todos.sqlite')

def index():
    return redirect(url_for('lists'))

def lists():
    db_con = db.get_db_con()
    sql_query = 'SELECT * from list ORDER BY name'
    lists_temp = db_con.execute(sql_query).fetchall()
    lists = []
    for list_temp in lists_temp:
        list = dict(list_temp)
        sql_query = (
            'SELECT COUNT(complete) = SUM(complete) '
            'AS complete FROM todo '
            f'JOIN todo_list ON list_id={list["id"]} '
                'AND todo_id=todo.id; '
        complete = db_con.execute(sql_query).fetchone()['complete']
        list['complete'] = complete
    return render_template('lists.html', lists=lists)

def list(id):
    db_con = db.get_db_con()
    sql_query_1 = f'SELECT name FROM list WHERE id={id}'
    sql_query_2 = (
        'SELECT id, complete, description FROM todo '
        f'JOIN todo_list ON todo_id=todo.id AND list_id={id} '
        'ORDER BY id;'
    list = {}
    list['name'] = db_con.execute(sql_query_1).fetchone()['name']
    list['todos'] = db_con.execute(sql_query_2).fetchall()
    return render_template('list.html', list=list)

def run_insert_sample():
    return 'Database flushed and populated with some sample data.'

The business logic on the /lists/ route has the following particularities:

  • From the database, we pull all entries from the list table and hand the result over to the template (via render_template() return value).
  • Since this would be a bit boring, we went the extra mile to also query the database if all to-dos on a particular list have been completed or not - i.e., we compute a complete flag for each list entry.
  • The data structure returned by the execute().fetchall() command is of type sqlite3.Row, which can’t be altered. We need to piece together a new data structure on the fly to store the additional complete information. We chose to convert each row into a dictionary data structure and add a complete key-value pair to it. We iterate through each entry, which we store into a list data structure.

The /lists/<int:id> route works as follows:

  • <int:id> shows Flask that the URL path contains a variable called id of type integer.
  • With id we query the database twice: first, to get the list’s name, and second to get all todos on that list.
  • We combine both name and todos into a single list dictionary: this way, we need to pass on just one variable to the template via render_template().

It is somewhat unfortunate that we call a collection of to-dos list in our application: in Python, a list is the name of a particular data structure. Python offers a built-in function called list(). By having named a variable in our code list, we are shadowing the built-in function of the same name, which is considered bad practice.

I included such a major code smell into this notebook for readability, but also to raise your awareness (twice!).

Return to the browser to run the application. You are presented with a bland interface that shows all to-do lists. By clicking on a list name, the app changes the view to show all to-dos on that particular list:

To-Do App w/o styling

5. Bonus: deliver JSON instead of HTML to the web server

Flask makes it almost trivial to deliver a JSON file: simply return the data structure to be “jsonified”; Flask will handle the rest for you.

With that in mind, change 📄app.py as follows:

# [...]
# existing code
# [...]

def lists():
    # [...]
    # existing code
    # [...]

    # return render_template('lists.html', lists=lists)
    # replace existing 'return ...' with:
    if request.args.get('json') is not None:
        return lists
        return render_template('lists.html', lists=lists)

def list(id):
    # [...]
    # existing code
    # [...]

    # return render_template('list.html', list=list)
    # replace existing 'return ...' with:
    if request.args.get('json') is not None:
        list['todos'] = [dict(todo) for todo in list['todos']]
        return list
        return render_template('list.html', list=list)

The two functions lists() and list(), respectively, now catch if ?json has been appended to the URL path: they will return a data structure and not call the Jinja template engine. Flask automatically converts this data structure into a valid JSON file that is then served to the browser.

Call in the browser to receive a JSON file with all to-do lists, e.g.:

    "complete": 1,
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Family"
    "complete": 0,
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Life"
    "complete": 0,
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Work"

Similarly, appending ?json to the URL of a particular to-do list (e.g., will yield a JSON file with all to-dos of that list:

    "name": "Family",
        "complete": 1,
            "description": "Call mom",
            "id": 4
            "complete": 1,
            "description": "Clean up",
            "id": 5

6. Apply CSS to style the user interface

With very little CSS manipulation, it is possible to change the appearance of the web application completely. CSS (or cascading style sheets) is a language that tells the browser how to render the elements of a structured document, in our case an HTML web page.

Here is one possible result - granted, not particularly pleasing to the eye, but significantly different to the initial state:

To-Do App with CSS styling

Our app shall be styled uniformly across all views. Therefore, it makes sense to centralize all CSS code into a single file and to refer to it within the 📄base.html template:

<!doctype html>
<html lang=en>

    <title>{% block TITLE %}{% endblock %} - To-Do App</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css/style.css') }}">

    <h1>To-Do App</h1>
    <a href="{{ url_for('lists') }}">Lists</a>
<section class="content">
    <header>{% block HEADER %}{% endblock %}</header>
    {% block CONTENT %}{% endblock %}


Next, create a file 📄style.css in the new project sub-folder 📁static/css/:

body {
    font-family: sans-serif;
    width: 350px;
    margin: 10px auto;
    border: 2px solid #D50C2F;
a {
    color: #35a;
    text-decoration: none;
ul {
    list-style: none;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
li {
    margin-top: 3px;
li input {
    display: none;
label::before {
    width: 12px;
    height: 12px;
    border-radius: 3px;
    border: 2px solid darkgrey;
    background-color: #fff;
    display: block;
    content: "";
    float: left;
    margin-right: 5px;
    position: relative;
input:checked + label::before {
    background-color: darkgrey;
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px #FFF;
form {
    display: inline;
nav {
    background: #eee;
    border-bottom: 2px solid #D50C2F;
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    padding: 0 5px;
nav h1 {
    font-size: x-large;
    flex: auto;
    margin: 2px 0;
nav a {
    text-decoration: none;
.content {
    padding: 10px 5px 5px 5px;
.content h2 {
    font-size: large;
    margin: 2px 0px;

You need to restart the web server to see the styling in action: in the terminal window with the running web server, press Ctrl+c. Then, spin up the server again with flask run --reload. Refresh the browser window to reload the web application, now with CSS styling applied.

While CSS is a rather verbose language with many “verbs”, it is surprisingly easy to learn:

  • Start by changing some values from the exemplary CSS file above, refresh the browser to observe any changes.
  • Continue with a good CSS tutorial, such as from W3Schools or MDN, and apply your learnings by extending the CSS file above with new declarations.
  • Look up any particular syntax in a CSS reference, e.g., on MDN (if you feel particularly brave, head over to the official W3C documentation.)
  • For your own project, you might want to consider using a mature CSS framework like Bootstrap (which also includes optional JavaScript code for interactive behavior).

7. The end result

If you followed this notebook, your project folder should contain these sub-folders and files:

┬ webapp/
├─┬ __pycache__/             <-- Cache folder created by Python
│ └── …
├─┬ instance/
│ └── todos.sqlite
├─┬ sql/
│ ├── create_tables.sql
│ ├── drop_tables.sql
│ └── insert_sample.sql
├─┬ static/
│ └─┬ css/
│   └── style.css
├─┬ templates/
│ ├── base.html
│ ├── lists.html
│ └── todos.html
├─┬ venv/
│ └── …
├── app.py
├── db.py
└── …

Congratulations, you have made it to the end of a whirlwind tour across key technologies of full-stack web development!

Optional: ideas to extend functionality

To learn more, I encourage you to extend the functionality of this exemplary to-do application. A few ideas what could be added:

  • Change the data schema to include a to-do item urgency
  • Create a new to-do item, which must be associated with exactly one list
  • Edit the description of a to-do item
  • Make the checkbox interactive, i.e. change the complete property of a to-do item
  • Delete a to-do item

The possibilities are nearly endless!

Copyright © 2024 Prof. Dr. Alexander Eck. All rights reserved.