Updated: 19 Jun 2024, 12:20+02:00

Relational databases with Flask-SQLAlchemy

Table of contents

A code example accompanying this notebook is available on the fswd-app repository.

First, git clone the repository.

Next, run git checkout sqlalchemy to obtain the source code at tagged location sqlalchemy.

Alternatively, download a .zip file containing the source code from the GitHub web app.

The package contains the to-do web app example, as changed throughout this notebook.

Learning objective

After completing this notebook, you will be able to use Flask-SQLAlchemy, a wrapper to SQLAlchemy, which is a popular Python package for interacting with relational databases. With this extension, you won’t need to write SQL statements, but can manipulate data with native Python constructs like objects and class methods.

ORM translates between classes and tables

An object-relational mapper translates between classes (+ instantiated objects) and relational database tables (+ their rows)

For thematic fit, at the start of this notebook you will additionally learn about:

  • Performing create, update and delete operations with basic SQLite
  • Working around unsupported HTTP request methods in HTML forms


All examples have been tested with a SQLite database. But the beauty of an abstraction layer like SQLAlchemy is that you can easily switch the underlying RDBMS, say to the more capable (but also more heavyweight) PostgreSQL simply by changing a single configuration value (we’ll look at this towards the end).

We assume that database performance is not a concern for our small-scale web app. Therefore, it is completely appropriate to use a database abstraction layer, which invariably introduces overhead over directly constructing and executing SQL statements.

Our web application is built with Flask framework. We won’t use SQLAlchemy directly, but rather via the Flask-SQLAlchemy extension, which provides some nice integrations with Flask. While there are valid reasons for using SQLAlchemy directly, we prefer the increased convenience the Flask extension gives us.

1. Prerequisites

For this notebook we pick up at the end of User interfaces with WTForms and Bootstrap. That is, I expect as a minimum

  • A database 📄todos.sqlite exists in the 📁instance/ folder,
  • This database is populated with sample data for tables list and todo,
  • The web application is able to request lists and to-dos from the database and show them.

You will need additional Python packages. With the project’s Python Virtual Environment activated and a terminal window opened, install the following:

pip install flask-sqlalchemy

…and out of habit, update your 📄requirements.txt:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Alternatively, you could have called this command:

pip install -U flask flask-sqlalchemy

With the -U flag set, pip will update the already existing package flask and install the new package flask-sqlalchemy.

It is a good idea to run the -U command once in a while. However, be sure to have a recent 📄requirements.txt ready, just in case you need to roll back from an update.

For example, on 30 Sep 2023, Flask shipped major release 3.0.0, without much explanation or prior announcement. As a consequence, some of the Flask extensions (like flask-sqlalchemy) might not work properly any more. (For this particular example, I don’t expect any issues.)

In such cases either:

  • delete your 📁venv/ folder and create a new virtual environment with python -m venv venv, then pip install -r requirements.txt, (python3 on macOS) or
  • downgrade to an earlier version, e.g., pip install --force-reinstall flask==2.3.3.

Your folder structure might look something like this (Windows example, the 📁venv/ folder on MacOS differs a bit):

┬ webapp/
├── docs/
├─┬ instance
│ └── todos.sqlite
├── sql/
├─┬ static
│ ├── css/
│ └── images/
├── templates/
├─┬ venv/                    <-- Python Virtual Environment folder
│ ├── Include/
│ ├─┬ Lib/
│ │ └─┬ site-packages/
│ │   ├── …
│ │   ├── flask/              <-- Flask package sourced via pip
│ │   ├── flask_sqlalchemy/   <-- Flask-SQLAlchemy package sourced via pip
│ │   ├── …
│ │   ├── sqlalchemy/         
│ │   └── …
│ ├── Scripts/
│ └── …
├─ .gitignore
├─ app.py                     <-- Your main application module
├─ db.py                      <-- Your database handling module
├─ forms.py                   <-- Your WTForms classes (optional)
├─ README.md
├─ requirements.txt
└─ …

2. Create, update, delete operations with basic SQLite

Since the Flask framework session, the example code contains operations to create, update, and delete individual to-do items via Python built-in SQLite functionality.

Let’s take a look at this part of the code as baseline, before we dive into SQLAlchemy.

Throughout this notebook we regard just the individual to-dos, i.e. we will not add any capability to create, update or delete to-do lists (we simply use those lists created by the sample data set).

2.1. Create a new to-do item

You already know the form for entering a new to-do item from the User interfaces with WTForms and Bootstrap session. Here is the relevant part from 📄todos.html:

<form action="{{ url_for('todos') }}" method="post"
    class="row row-cols-auto g-2 pt-3">
    {{ form.csrf_token }}
    <div class="col">{{ form.description(class='form-control') }}</div>
    <div class="col">{{ form.submit(class='btn btn-primary') }}</div>

Upon form submission, the function todos() is called with request.method = 'POST':

@app.route('/todos/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def todos():
    db_con = db.get_db_con()
    form = forms.CreateTodoForm()
    if request.method == 'GET':
        sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM todo ORDER BY id;'
        todos = db_con.execute(sql_query).fetchall()
        return render_template('todos.html', todos=todos, form=form)
    else:  # request.method == 'POST'
        if form.validate():
            sql_query = 'INSERT INTO todo (description) VALUES (?);'  # (1.)
            db_con.execute(sql_query, [form.description.data])  # (2.)
            db_con.commit()  # (3.)
            flash('Todo has been created.', 'success')
            flash('No todo creation: validation error.', 'warning')
        return redirect(url_for('todos'))  # (4.)
  1. The SQL statement is a simple INSERT INTO ...
  2. Notice how we use the question mark notation afforded by the standard Python SQLite interface.
  3. Don’t forget to commit() the SQL statement.
  4. Finally, the function todos() is called again, now with request.method = 'GET' (this is the default value), which renders 📄todos.html - hopefully with the newly added to-do item added to the list.

2.2. Update or delete a to-do item

Here are the two forms to update and delete a particular to-do item, respectively, as defined in 📄todo.html:

<form action="{{ url_for('todo', id=form.id.data) }}" method="post" class="col">
<div class="row row-cols-auto g-2">
    {{ form.method(value='PATCH') }}
    {{ form.csrf_token }}
    <div class="col">{{ form.complete(class='form-check-input align-middle') }}</div>
    <div class="col">{{ form.description(class='form-control') }}</div>
    <div class="col">{{ form.list_id(class='form-select') }}</div>
    <div class="col">{{ form.submit(class='btn btn-primary') }}</div>
<form action="{{ url_for('todo', id=form.id.data) }}" method="post" class="col">
<div class="row row-cols-auto">
    {{ form.method(value='DELETE') }}
    <div class="col gx-2"><input type="submit" value="Delete" class="btn btn-outline-danger"></div>

Upon submission, both forms send a POST request to the route /todos/<int:id>, which calls function todo(id):

@app.route('/todos/<int:id>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def todo(id):
    db_con = db.get_db_con()
    if request.method == 'GET':
        pass  # Actual code not shown here for brevity
    else:  # request.method == 'POST'
        form = forms.TodoForm()
        if form.method.data == 'PATCH':  # (1.)
            if form.validate():
                sql_query = 'UPDATE todo SET complete = ?, description = ? WHERE id = ?;'
                db_con.execute(sql_query, [form.complete.data, form.description.data, id])
                sql_query = 'DELETE FROM todo_list WHERE todo_id = ?;'
                db_con.execute(sql_query, [id])
                if form.list_id.data:
                    sql_query = 'INSERT INTO todo_list (todo_id, list_id) VALUES (?, ?);'
                    db_con.execute(sql_query, [id, form.list_id.data])
                db_con.commit()  # (2.)
                flash('Todo has been updated.', 'success')
                flash('No todo update: validation error.', 'warning')
            return redirect(url_for('todo', id=id))
        elif form.method.data == 'DELETE':
            sql_query = 'DELETE FROM todo WHERE id = ?;'
            db_con.execute(sql_query, [id])
            flash('Todo has been deleted.', 'success')
            return redirect(url_for('todos'), 303)  # (3.)
            flash('Nothing happened.', 'info')
            return redirect(url_for('todo', id=id))
  1. HTML forms support just GET and POST HTTP request methods, but neither PATCH nor DELETE. As workaround, our form supplies an additional value to denote whether to update or delete a to-do item.
  2. The update transaction consists of three separate SQL statements, which are executed sequentially and committed together at the end.
    • If either statement fails, the transaction as a whole will not be executed.
  3. The redirect at the end of the DELETE branch is set to return a 303 HTTP response code - first, to demonstrate this syntax, and second to comply with a RESTful API design convention.
    • By default, Flask would have returned a 302 status code.

Alternative ways to overcome the GET and POST limitation

Unfortunately, HTML <form> tags are specified to handle just GET and POST HTTP request methods. Extending the standard to additional methods like PATCH, PUT, DELETE had been discussed but finally abandoned by those involved in the HTML standardization process.

For developers using JavaScript, this is not a major concern: the Fetch API provides a straightforward way to create a custom HTTP request method, so they are not limited to what the HTML standard gives them.

We implemented this approach in the flask release of our example code. Here is the relevant part from 📄todo.html:

<form action="{{ url_for('todo', id=todo.id) }}" onsubmit="submitForm(event,this,'PATCH')">
    <!-- Actual code not shown here for brevity -->
    <input type="submit" value="u">
<form action="{{ url_for('todo', id=todo.id) }}" onsubmit="submitForm(event,this,'DELETE')">
    <input type="submit" value="x">
    function submitForm(event, form, method) {
        fetch(form.action, {method:method, body: new FormData(form)});
        if (method == 'DELETE') {
            setTimeout(function(){window.location.href = "{{ url_for('todos') }}";},10);
        } else {

The JavaScript function submitForm() constructs the HTTP request we want by leveraging the Fetch API. I won’t go into more detail, since JavaScript is out of scope in this course.

With this little JavaScript manipulation, the Flask application receives the proper request.method. Therefore, we can do something like this (excerpt taken from 📄app.py on the flask release):

@app.route('/todos/<int:id>', methods=['GET', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'])
def todo(id):
    db_con = db.get_db_con()
    if request.method == 'GET':
        pass  # Actual code not shown here for brevity
    elif request.method == 'PATCH':
        pass  # Actual code not shown here for brevity
        return redirect(url_for('todo', id=id))
    else:  # request.method == 'DELETE'
        pass  # Actual code not shown here for brevity
        return redirect(url_for('todos'), 303)

If neither the hidden HTML form element nor the JavaScript approach is to your liking, there is a third alternative: simply define dedicated URL paths for the PATCH and DELETE actions. That is:

@app.route('/todos/<int:id>/patch', methods=['POST'])
def patch_todo(id):
    pass  # Meaningful code to update to-do item missing
    return ''

@app.route('/todos/<int:id>/delete', methods=['POST'])
def delete_todo(id):
    pass  # Meaningful code to delete to-do item missing
    return ''

Consequently, 📄todo.html must be changed such that the forms point to the correct URL paths:

<form action="{{ url_for('patch_todo', id=form.id.data) }}" method="post" class="col">
<!-- Actual code not shown here for brevity -->
<form action="{{ url_for('delete_todo', id=form.id.data) }}" method="post" class="col">
<!-- Actual code not shown here for brevity -->

With this implementation, we could be done and move along. But we want to refactor our code for various reasons:

  • We don’t want to deal with peculiarities and limitations of SQLite, nor consult the SQLite documentation to reference its syntax. Rather, we’d prefer to perform CRUD operations by manipulating Python-native constructs like objects.
  • We want to be able to easily switch the RDBMS (relational database management system) from SQLite to a more capable software such as PostgreSQL later on.
  • We don’t mind a small hit at execution performance which a mature database abstraction layer incurs.

To achieve these goals, we turn to SQLAlchemy and the Flask-SQLAlchemy wrapper next.

3. Database interactions with an object-relational mapper

SQLAlchemy consists of two abstraction layers:

  • The Core, which among other things gives us a generic SQL expression language that abstracts away the differences between SQL flavors of RDBMS such as SQLite or PostgreSQL.
  • The object-relational mapper (ORM), which translates from Python classes (incl. relationships between classes) to relational database tables, and vice versa.

Flask-SQLAlchemy primarily exposes the ORM part of SQLAlchemy, and generally increases convenience for a Flask developer. With SQLAlchemy / Flask-SQLAlchemy the workflow for interacting with a database changes significantly.

To illustrate, let’s recap the SQL-centric workflow we already know.

3.1. Workflow based on executing SQL statements

Until now, we have used the SQLite database engine directly:

  1. Construct a SQL statement (as string) that SQLite can understand.
  2. Make sure the database connection is open.
  3. Execute (and commit) the SQL statement.
  4. Store the return value, e.g., a list of rows from our todo table.
  5. Handle that return value, e.g., pass it to a HTML template for display in the browser.

…or expressed as Python code:

sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM todo ORDER BY id;'
db_con = db.get_db_con()
todos = db_con.execute(sql_query).fetchall()
return render_template('todos.html', todos=todos)

It is worth noting that most code and also the SQL statements will need adaptation, if you ever decide to switch the RDBMS, for example from SQLite to PostgreSQL.

An exemplary return value from querying our todo table looks like this:

todos = (
        'id': 1,
        'complete': True,
        'description': 'Get some food' 
        'id': 2,
        'complete': False,
        'description': 'Drive the bike more often' 

In this example, we have a Python tuple, and each tuple entry is a Python dictionary (technically, it’s a bit more complicated, but we don’t need to care about this here).

This data structure is very flexible, but semantic knowledge about the data object is missing.

For example, let’s assume we wanted to know to which lists the to-do item with 'id': 2 belongs. For that, we will need to explicitly query the database again, meaning:

  • Yet another SQL statement,
  • Yet again ensuring we have an open database connection,
  • Yet another SQL execute (and commit) command,
  • Yet another return value we need to store.

…or expressed as Python code:

todo_id = 2
sql_query = (
    'SELECT id, name FROM list LEFT JOIN todo_list '
    'WHERE todo_list.todo_id = ? '
    'AND list.id = todo_list.list_id;'
db_con = db.get_db_con()
todo_lists = db_con.execute(sql_query, [todo_id]).fetchall()

Our approach changes significantly by using an ORM, which we discuss next.

3.2. Workflow based on creating objects

With Flask-SQLAlchemy, the same task - get the lists to which a particular to-do item belongs - is easily implemented:

todo = db.session.get(Todo, 2)
todo.lists  # Access the lists to which to-do with ID 2 belongs
  • First, we create an instance of class Todo and populate it with values retrieved from the database.
  • This object conveniently has an attribute lists which we can access.

That’s it! This example assumes we have a Python class Todo with a lists attribute. Obviously, we need to define this class initially. But once we’ve done this work, we can think in terms of Python objects - and not in terms of SQL statements and Python tuples or dictionaries.

Hence, the workflow with an ORM is object-centric:

  1. Define the classes that represent your data objects once - in our example, Todo and List.
  2. To create a new database entry, instantiate the class with attributes (e.g., todo=Todo(description='buy some milk'), then tell the ORM to store a representation of this object in the database.
  3. To read an existing database entry, create a new instance that is populated with values retrieved from the database (e.g., todo = db.session.get(Todo, 2)).
  4. To update a database entry, first create an instance as in the read case. Next, update one or multiple attributes (e.g., set todo.complete = True). Finally submit this object to the database via the ORM.
  5. To delete a database entry, first create an instance as in the read case. Then, tell the ORM to delete this object from the database.

The ORM automatically maps the object with appropriate database table(s). Therefore, you can think of the database as a storage space for objects, and don’t necessarily need to think in terms of tables and table rows.

Bottom line: With Flask-SQLAlchemy your mindset needs to change when working with data, most notably when performing CRUD operations with a database. Next, we apply this mindset to a practical example.

4. Configure Flask-SQLAlchemy

The basic steps to integrate Flask-SQLAlchemy with your application are as follows:

  1. Configure Flask-SQLAlchemy.
  2. Create the data model, i.e., define the classes that represent your data structure (e.g., Todo, List).
  3. Optional: define functions to initialize the database and insert sample data.

With the data model in place (and possibly some sample data in the database), we are then able to refactor all CRUD operations such that they leverage Flask-SQLAlchemy and not operate on SQLite directly.

Switching to Flask-SQLAlchemy requires a major rewrite of our application. Start by deleting all content of 📄db.py. Replace with this starter code:

import click
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy  # (1.)
from sqlalchemy import orm
from app import app

app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///todos.sqlite'  # (2.)

db = SQLAlchemy()  # (3.)
db.init_app(app)  # (4.)
  1. We import SQLAlchemy from the Flask-SQLAlchemy package, and also the object app from our own app module (i.e., from file 📄app.py).
  2. Next, we store the database location as configuration value in app.
  3. Then, we create the instance db of class SQLAlchemy, which gives us access to the Flask-SQLAlchemy functionality.
  4. Lastly, we associate db with app by calling db.init_app().

5. Create the data model

Let’s briefly recall our exemplary data model:

%%{init: { "theme": "forest" } }%%

    todo {
        int id PK
        boolean complete
        string description
    todo_list {
        int todo_id FK
        int list_id FK
    list {
        int id PK
        string name
    todo ||--o{ todo_list : "included in zero to many lists"
    list ||--o{ todo_list : "holds zero to many todos"
  • todo stores our to-do items.
  • list stores our to-do list items.
  • todo_list is an association table, it establishes many-to-many relationships between todo and list.

This is how to represent our data model with Flask-SQLAlchemy in file 📄db.py:

class Todo(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
    complete = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False)
    description = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
    lists = db.relationship('List', secondary='todo_list', back_populates='todos')

    def populate_lists(self, list_ids):
        lists = []
        for id in list_ids:
            if id > 0: lists.append(db.session.get(List, id))
        self.lists = lists

class List(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
    todos = db.relationship(Todo, secondary='todo_list', back_populates='lists')
    complete = False
    def check_complete(self):
        self.complete = all([todo.complete for todo in self.todos])

todo_list = db.Table(
    db.Column('todo_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('todo.id'), primary_key=True),
    db.Column('list_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('list.id'), primary_key=True)

with app.app_context():

SQLAlchemy is a rather complicated package. As such, it offers two ways to define a data model:

For various reasons, I have opted to show you the first style.

5.1. The Todo and List classes

We start with a discussion of Todo and List. These classes are structurally similar to each other:

  • They inherit from class Model.
  • Their attributes correspond to table columns in our data model.
  • In addition, we define a dedicated attribute to hold the relationship to the other Class.
    • This gives us easy access to todo.lists (all lists to which a to-do belongs), and list.todos (all to-dos belonging to a list) later on.
  • We conveniently also define some methods to manipulate data.
    • Custom methods are optional and its usefulness depends on the actual use-case: we’ll briefly review this part towards the end of this notebook.

We could have supplied a custom table name via attribute __tablename__. Since we are happy with the default value (the class name in lowercase), we omitted this step, e.g.,:

class Todo(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'todo'
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
    # [...]

Above, we instantiate Column without supplying a name as first argument: this way, we let the Column constructor set a name for the table column automatically for us (basically, the name of the attribute). Alternatively, we could have written id = db.Column('id', db.Integer, ...).

Contrast this to the Column instantiations from todo_list above, where we manually set a name.

Among other things, the Columm constructor takes a data type as argument, expressed as a SQLAlchemy class, such as Integer, Boolean, and String. Next, we briefly review the available data type classes.

5.2. SQLAlchemy data type classes

Common SQLAlchemy data type classes that may be passed to the Column constructor include:

Data type class Python data type Description
Integer int Integer (full number)
Float float Floating-point number
Boolean bool Boolean value (True or False)
String str String
Text str String, but optimized to hold larger text data
LargeBinary str Binary data, (e.g., to store an uploaded .pdf file - avoid)
DateTime datetime.datetime Date and time
Date datetime.date Date only
Time datetime.time Time only
PickleType Arbitrary Python object Holds serialized Python objects (useful for special cases)

This small selection alone is more varied than the five native SQLite data types, and SQLAlchemy offers many more data type classes. This is one advantage of a database abstraction layer: to the developer, the underlying RDBMS capabilities are not a concern. You simply work with the data type classes offered by SQLAlchemy and - for the most part - forget about the specific RDBMS working under the hood.

5.3. The todo_list table

We continue with todo_list, i.e. with this code:

todo_list = db.Table(
    db.Column('todo_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('todo.id'), primary_key=True),
    db.Column('list_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('list.id'), primary_key=True)

You certainly noticed that we created an instance of Flask-SQLAlchemy class Table and didn’t define a custom class. (Later, we will use the object todo_list to create a corresponding table in our database.)

The Table constructor takes the table name as first argument (todo_list) and all table columns as subsequent arguments (db.Column()).

When we need an association table in our data model, it is considered good practice to create a Table instance instead of defining a class: in the remainder of our code, we will never directly access the association table, and therefore there is no need to define a class TodoList. (We could have done it nevertheless.)

5.4. Column constructor arguments

The table todo_list consists of two columns, todo_id and list_id. Let’s consider the arguments passed to the Column constructor for todo_id as example:

  • First, we give the table column a name, in this case todo_id.
  • Then, we define the data type Integer.
  • With db.ForeignKey('todo.id') we establish a foreign key relationship to todo.id (the column id of table todo).
    • ForeignKey is a SQLAlchemy data type class like Integer - see 🤍 TIP box below.
  • By setting primary_key=True we define this column as a primary key of the table.

Apart from the data type, common arguments passed to the Column constructor include:

Argument Description
db.ForeignKey('table.column') Set this column as foreign key, associated with table.column
primary_key=True Set True to define column as the table’s primary key
index=True Set True to put this column into the database index, which speeds up queries
nullable=False Set False to define this column as required (empty value is not allowed)
unique=True Set True to disallow duplicate entries for this column (e.g., unique e-mail address)
default='foo' Define a default value for the column (example: 'foo')

When a Column is specified as foreign key, we may omit explicit definition of its data type. Hence, instead of:

db.Column('todo_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('todo.id'), primary_key=True),

… we could have written:

db.Column('todo_id', db.ForeignKey('todo.id'), primary_key=True),

5.5. relationship patterns

Our example shows how to establish a many-to-many relationship between two tables via an association table:

class Todo(db.Model):
    # [...]
    lists = db.relationship('List', secondary='todo_list', back_populates='todos')
    # [...]

class List(db.Model):
    # [...]
    todos = db.relationship(Todo, secondary='todo_list', back_populates='lists')
    # [...]

todo_list = db.Table(
    db.Column('todo_id', db.ForeignKey('todo.id'), primary_key=True),
    db.Column('list_id', db.ForeignKey('list.id'), primary_key=True)

To establish relationships between tables, SQLAlchemy gives us the relationship() function:

  • The first argument of relationship() takes the class from the “other side” of the relationship. Instead to passing the class, we may alternatively pass a string that corresponds to the class name.
    • In the Todo class, we write db.relationship('List'), since the class List has not been defined yet.
    • In the List class, we write db.relationship(Todo), since the class Todo has been defined above. (Alternatively, we could have written db.relationship('Todo') - this would have caused an irrelevant performance hit.)
  • Which argument(s) to pass next depends on the actual pattern we want to establish.
    • In the many-to-many case, we provide the name of the association table via secondary argument. Note how we supply the object name in string form, since todo_list is yet to be defined.
    • The additional back_populates argument points to the relationship attribute of the other class - this is optional but avoids errors, so there’s no harm in supplying this argument as well.

Another popular relationship is many-to-one. Consider this example:

    todo {
        int id PK
        boolean complete
        string description
        int urgency_id FK
    urgency {
        int id PK
        string level
    todo }o--|| urgency : has

Each entry in todo is associated with exactly one entry in urgency (e.g., low, medium, high), and multiple to-dos might share the same urgency.

To establish this many-to-one relationship in the data model:

class Todo(db.Model):
    # [...]
    urgency_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('urgency.id'))  # (1.)
    # [...]

class Urgency(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
    level = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
    todos = db.relationship(Todo, backref='urgency')  # (2.)
  1. With urgency_id in class Todo we establish the foreign key relationship the same way you already know from todo_list.
  2. In the Urgency class definition, we define the todos attribute as a reference to Todo.
    • In addition, within relationship() we provide the backref='urgency' argument. This will create an attribute called urgency in any instance of Todo.

With the relationship established in this manner, we can access the “other side” rather conveniently. Assume we want to know the urgency level of a particular to-do:

todo = db.session.get(Todo, 2)  # Get to-do with id=2
print(todo.urgency.level)  # Print this to-do's urgency level, e.g., 'high'

… and to get a list of all to-do items of a particular urgency:

urgency = db.session.get(Urgency, 3)  # Get urgency with id=3, e.g., 'high'
todos = urgency.todos  # Store iterable of all to-dos with urgency_id=3

Obviously, there are more relationship patterns that the two presented here. For a comprehensive description, consult the SQLAlchemy documentation.

5.6. Ensure the database tables exist

Finally, we review the last two lines of the code example from above. These ensure the database tables exist as we have defined them above:

with app.app_context():

The first line creates a Flask application context, which is required to interact with the database.

On the second line, we call create_all(). This function takes our data model (i.e., Todo, List, todo_list) and creates corresponding tables in the database for us (i.e., tables todo, list, todo_list). If tables with those names already exist in the database, the function does nothing.

With that, we did the hard work: we translated our data model into Python-native constructs, namely:

  • Two classes named Todo and List, with attributes and methods inherited from base class Model. We will later instantiate these classes to create, read, update, and delete data.
  • An instance todo_list of class Table, which is needed to create the many-to-many relationship between Todo and List.

6. Optional: define functions to initialize the database and insert sample data

In this optional step, we replicate the behavior of our previous database module:

  • Add a function that is registered with the Flask command-line interface to initialize (or reset) the database with all tables.
  • Add a function that inserts some sample data into the database.

Here are the required additions to 📄db.py:

# Existing code not shown for brevity

def init():  # (1.)
    with app.app_context():
    click.echo('Database has been initialized.')

app.cli.add_command(init)  # (2.)

def insert_sample():
    # Delete all existing data, if any

    # Create sample to-do items
    todo1 = Todo(complete=True, description='Get some food')
    todo2 = Todo(description='Drive the bike more often')
    todo3 = Todo(description='Implement web app')
    todo4 = Todo(complete=True, description='Call mom')
    todo5 = Todo(complete=True, description='Clean up') 

    # Create sample to-do list items
    list1 = List(name='Life')
    list2 = List(name='Work')
    list3 = List(name='Family')

    # Associate to-do items to lists by filling their `Todo.list` attribute

    # Add all objects to the queue and commit them to the database
    db.session.add_all([todo1, todo2, todo3, todo4, todo5, list1, list2, list3])
  1. The function init() is surprisingly unspectacular. Within a Flask application context:
    • drop_all() deletes all tables defined in our data model (i.e., todo, list ,todo_list).
    • create_all() restores the same tables.
  2. app.cli.add_command(init) is needed to register the function with the Flask command-line interface. Now, we can run the command flask init-db from the terminal to execute the init() function.
  3. The function insert_sample() is more interesting, since it showcases how to delete and how to create database entries. We revisit this code in the next section about CRUD operations.

7. CRUD operations with Flask-SQLAlchemy

CRUD operations with Flask-SQLAlchemy are object-centric: we create, update and delete objects to modify our database.

The SQLAlchemy ORM is very powerful. Here we list a small selection of common use patterns:

CRUD Code snippet Description
Create object = ModelClass(column1=value1, ...)
Create object, add it to the “add” queue, commit to database.
Read list_of_objects = db.session.execute(db.select(ModelClass)).scalars() db.session.execute() executes arbitrary SQL statements. Let SQLAlchemy construct the SQL statement for us with db.select(). scalars() returns a list of objects as result.
Read object = db.session.execute(db.select(ModelClass). filter_by(attrib=val)).one() While scalars() returns a list of objects, one() returns just one object - useful when you want exactly one entry from the database.
Read object = db.session.get(ModelClass, pk_attribute) db.session.get() is a shortcut if you need one entry identified via primary key (e.g., an ID).
Update object.attribute = new_value
Update object attribute(s), commit to database.
Update object1.attribute.append(object2)
Update object attribute of Python list type with append(), commit to database - useful to establish a relationship with a second object.
Delete db.session.delete(object)
Add object to the “delete” queue, commit to database.
Delete db.session.execute(db.delete(ModelClass)) Alternative way to delete - useful to delete all entries of a table.

With this table, you should be able to understand how the previous code for creating sample code works, and also how the following code example operates.

8. Rewrite the application code with Flask-SQLAlchemy

Next, we need to rewrite all code in our main application file 📄app.py that deals with data. The full rewrite follows next.

To attract your attention, all data-manipulating code portions are commented with # !!.

from flask import Flask, render_template, redirect, url_for, request, abort, flash
from flask_bootstrap import Bootstrap5
import forms

app = Flask(__name__)

    SECRET_KEY = 'secret_key_just_for_dev_environment',

from db import db, Todo, List, insert_sample  # (1.)

bootstrap = Bootstrap5(app)

def index():
    return redirect(url_for('todos'))

@app.route('/todos/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def todos():
    form = forms.CreateTodoForm()
    if request.method == 'GET':
        todos = db.session.execute(db.select(Todo).order_by(Todo.id)).scalars()  # !!
        return render_template('todos.html', todos=todos, form=form)
    else:  # request.method == 'POST'
        if form.validate():
            todo = Todo(description=form.description.data)  # !!
            db.session.add(todo)  # !!
            db.session.commit()  # !!
            flash('Todo has been created.', 'success')
            flash('No todo creation: validation error.', 'warning')
        return redirect(url_for('todos'))

@app.route('/todos/<int:id>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def todo(id):
    todo = db.session.get(Todo, id)  # !!
    form = forms.TodoForm(obj=todo)  # (2.)  # !!
    if request.method == 'GET':
        if todo:
            if todo.lists: form.list_id.data = todo.lists[0].id  # (3.)  # !!
            choices = db.session.execute(db.select(List).order_by(List.name)).scalars()  # !!
            form.list_id.choices = [(0, 'List?')] + [(c.id, c.name) for c in choices]  # !!
            return render_template('todo.html', form=form)
    else:  # request.method == 'POST'
        if form.method.data == 'PATCH':
            if form.validate():
                form.populate_obj(todo)  # (4.)  # !!
                todo.populate_lists([form.list_id.data])  # (5.)  # !!
                db.session.add(todo)  # !!
                db.session.commit()  # !!
                flash('Todo has been updated.', 'success')
                flash('No todo update: validation error.', 'warning')
            return redirect(url_for('todo', id=id))
        elif form.method.data == 'DELETE':
            db.session.delete(todo)  # !!
            db.session.commit()  # !!
            flash('Todo has been deleted.', 'success')
            return redirect(url_for('todos'), 303)
            flash('Nothing happened.', 'info')
            return redirect(url_for('todo', id=id))

def lists():
    lists = db.session.execute(db.select(List).order_by(List.name)).scalars()  # (6.)  # !!
    return render_template('lists.html', lists=lists)

def list(id):
    list = db.session.get(List, id)  # !!
    if list is not None:
        return render_template('list.html', list=list)
        return redirect(url_for('lists'))

def run_insert_sample():
    return 'Database flushed and populated with some sample data.'

Compared with the previous version, the main differences are:

  • No more strings to construct SQL statements (sql_query = ...)
  • No handling of database connections (db_con = db.get_db_con())
  • Data is handled via objects with well-defined attributes and methods (see our data model)
  • Overall, considerably fewer lines of code for the same behavior

Six lines of codes are worth mentioning separately:

from flask import Flask, render_template, redirect, url_for, request, abort, flash
# [...]
app = Flask(__name__)
# [...]
from db import db, Todo, List, insert_sample  # (1.)

The import statement for the db module happens only after the object app has been created. We can’t import db earlier, since db depends on app.

@app.route('/todos/<int:id>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def todo(id):
    todo = db.session.get(Todo, id)  # !!
    form = forms.TodoForm(obj=todo)  # (2.)  # !!
# [...]

We use the obj attribute supplied to the WTForms Form constructor to populate the to-do edit form with data stored in the todo object.

@app.route('/todos/<int:id>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def todo(id):
    # [...]
    if request.method == 'GET':
        if todo:
            if todo.lists: form.list_id.data = todo.lists[0].id  # (3.)  # !!
            # [...]

For simplicity, we built the exemplary to-do edit form such that we can show and select only one list entry. Hence we just select the first entry from todo.lists for display by the form.

@app.route('/todos/<int:id>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def todo(id):
    # [...]
    else:  # request.method == 'POST'
        if form.method.data == 'PATCH':
            if form.validate():
                form.populate_obj(todo)  # (4.)
                # [...]

populate_obj() is a convenience function of the WTForms Form class, which plays nicely with SQLAlchemy. It updates the attributes of the passed object (here: todo) with data sent via the form.

Here is the equivalent update done manually:

todo.complete = form.complete.data
todo.description = form.description.data

…or, if you don’t want to use the WTForms form object, but rather the Flask request object:

todo.complete = bool(request.form.get('complete'))
todo.description = request.form.get('description')

@app.route('/todos/<int:id>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def todo(id):
    # [...]
    else:  # request.method == 'POST'
        if form.method.data == 'PATCH':
            if form.validate():
                form.populate_obj(todo)  # (4.)
                todo.populate_lists([form.list_id.data])  # (5.)  # !!
                # [...]

On line # (5.) the method populate_lists() gets called, which we defined with class Todo:

class Todo(db.Model):
    # [...]
    def populate_lists(self, list_ids):
        lists = []
        for id in list_ids:
            if id > 0: lists.append(db.session.get(List, id))
        self.lists = lists

This method updates the to-do list relationships of a to-do item. Our form supplies just one to-do list id (form.list_id.data) - but the method could easily handle multiple ids.

def lists():
    lists = db.session.execute(db.select(List).order_by(List.name)).scalars()  # (6.)  # !!
    return render_template('lists.html', lists=lists)

The template 📄lists.html expects an attribute complete for each list entry which displays as a checked box if True:

<!-- [...] -->
<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="{{ list.id }}" disabled
        {% if list.complete %} checked {% endif %}
<!-- [...] -->

The complete attribute is not pulled from the database, but computed on-the-fly upon instantiation of List. With the @orm.reconstructor decorator we instruct SQLAlchemy to run the check_complete() method from our List class upon instantiation:

class List(db.Model):
    # [...]
    complete = False
    def check_complete(self):
        self.complete = all([todo.complete for todo in self.todos])

You might be wondering why we don’t compute the complete attribute value within the __init__() method. Simple: SQLAlchemy ignores custom __init__() functions. Therefore, we need to use the @orm.reconstructor decorator instead.

With this rewrite done, we are finally ready to run the web application with flask run. Well done!

9. Bonus: change the database engine with Flask-SQLAlchemy

Let’s assume your current database runs with SQLite:

app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///todos.sqlite'

To let the web application use PostgreSQL, all you need to do is a configuration change, e.g., to:

app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'postgresql://myuser:mypassword@localhost/todos'

That’s it. The application now uses the database todos hosted on your local PostgreSQL instance.

With that, there are a few steps to get PostgreSQL running in the first place (which is why it is so convenient to start with SQLite for any new project):

  1. pip install psycopg2-binary into your Python Virtual Environment: SQLAlchemy needs this database adapter to interact with PostgreSQL.
  2. Download and install PostgreSQL on your local machine. Per default, the database server will be exposed on address localhost (aka.
  3. Create a login role with name myuser and password mypassword; and create a database called todos. It is convenient to use pgAdmin for these tasks.
  4. Spin up the app with flask run (or, run flask db-init once) to create the required tables.

Annex: Follow-up recommendations

Although you should be able to cover a majority of your data handling needs with the material covered here, we have merely scratched the surface of Flask-SQLAlchemy and the underlying SQLAlchemy framework.

Unfortunately, it is not so easy to recommend usable follow-up resources, mainly for three reasons:

First, it is somewhat confusing at the beginning that Flask-SQLAlchemy does not transparently expose SQLAlchemy functionality, but rather provides its own classes and methods, such as Model and session() - through which ultimately SQLAlchemy functionality is accessed.

A good strategy is to start with the following short tutorials on Flask-SQLAlchemy:

… and then look into the SQLAlchemy documentation for specific deep dives.

Second, SQLAlchemy recently underwent a major overhaul (known as SQLAlchemy 2.0). Most notably, it is strongly discouraged to use two very popular concepts:

However, SQLAlchemy has become very popular with Python developers in general and Flask developers in particular, and many tutorials exist that use Query API and imperative style.

So whenever you come across a tutorial that uses some code like ModelClass.query.all(), know that you should switch to the future-proof pattern of db.session.execute(db.select(...)). With that, there are a few good tutorials around, such as:

Miguel Grinberg also covers Flask-Migrate, an extension that helps with database change management. This is very useful when you expect your data model to change over time as your application grows in functionality.

Third, SQLAlchemy is a very complicated framework, which makes it possible to achieve the same result in multiple ways. For example, anything done with SQLAlchemy ORM (which Flask-SQLAlchemy predominantly uses) can also be achieved with SQLAlchemy Core. For that reason, the official tutorial is very long, often presenting several alternatives one after another without proper framing or contextualization.

Having said that, a more beginner-friendly way is to watch some of the talks and video tutorials collected on this SQLAlchemy page.

Copyright © 2024 Prof. Dr. Alexander Eck. All rights reserved.