Updated: 04 Apr 2024, 18:30+02:00

Python and Visual Studio Code setup

Table of contents

Learning objectives

By completing this tutorial, you will have installed and configured the following on your local machine:

  • Python interpreter
  • Visual Studio Code with Python and Jinja extensions
  • Workspace for your semester project
  • Python Virtual Environment inside the workspace
  • Flask framework inside the Python Virtual Environment

I assume that you start from scratch, i.e. without Python nor Visual Studio Code installed on your computer. You might run into errors if Python has been installed already, e.g., as part of an Anaconda installation.

I tested this tutorial on current releases of both Windows and macOS. In general, some steps might be performed differently on your machine, since user interfaces (e.g., the Windows Explorer) tend to change between system updates. If you run into an error: Google is your friend.

1. Install a Python interpreter


1.1.W. Preferred: install Python from python.org

Download and install Python from python.org. Usually it is safe to simply click on the yellow “Download Python 3.xx.x” button.

With the installer, it is best to activate the “Add python.exe to PATH” checkbox.

Normally, you should not need to check “Use admin privileges when installing py.exe”. If you run into unexpected errors later on, consider re-installing Python with this checkbox activated (for that you’ll need to launch the installer with admin rights).

1.2.W. Alternative method: install Python from Microsoft Store

In some cases the preferred installation method fails, or launching Python from the terminal throws you an error. If the Microsoft Store app is installed on your local machine, you may source Python from the Microsoft Store.

1.3.W. Verify Python installation

Press ⊞Win, then type c m d and confirm with Enter to open the Windows terminal application called Command Prompt. Run this command:

python -V

This is python -V with capital “V”!

The Python version number should be printed on the terminal window, e.g., Python 3.12.2. If you get an error message, something went wrong with your installation. Either run the installation steps again, or google to troubleshoot.


Traditionally, macOS comes with Python preinstalled. But don’t get your hopes up: due to various reasons, this install is not very useful any more (this was different in older in older versions of macOS…). Hence, you will need to install Python manually. The preferred way is to use Homebrew.

1.1.M. Preferred: install Python via Homebrew

Homebrew is the most popular package manager for macOS (most Linux distributions come with a package manager preinstalled, by the way). With Homebrew you will be able to safely install Python on macOS.

First, you need to install Homebrew. Start the macOS Terminal application and type in:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

Next, install Python:

brew install python3

1.2.M. Alternative method: install Python from python.org

Download and install Python from python.org. Usually it is safe to simply click on the yellow “Download Python 3.xx.x” button.

To make sure, here is the dedicated macOS download page: https://www.python.org/downloads/macos/

1.3.M. Verify Python installation

Open the Terminal application. Run this command:

python3 -V

This is python3 -V with capital “V”!

The Python version number should be printed on the terminal window, e.g., Python 3.12.2. If you get an error message, something went wrong with your installation. Either run the installation steps again, or google to troubleshoot.

2. Install Visual Studio Code and prepare your workspace

2.1. First things first: create a project folder

In your preferred root folder (e.g., your folder for this course), create a new folder 📁/webapp. On a Windows machine, the full path might look like this: 📁C:\Users\me\projects\webapp\

2.2. Install Visual Studio Code with Python and Jinja extensions

Download and install Visual Studio Code from Microsoft.

Here are keyboard shortcut cheat sheets for Visual Studio Code (assumes US English keyboard layout):

Start Visual Studio Code, then press Shift+Ctrl+X / Shift++X to open the “Marketplace Extensions” side pane. Search for Python by Microsoft, click on the proper result and install the extension (this will take a while). Ensure the extension has been enabled (this will be indicated on the extension’s page).

In the same manner, install Better Jinja by Samuel Colvin. This extension needs some configuration: pull up the command palette with Shift+Ctrl+P / Shift++P, then start typing preferences: open user settings (json) and select that command. A 📄settings.json file will open in the editor. Right after the first opening curly bracket {, i.e. on line #2, write (and save):

    "files.associations": {
        "*.html": "jinja-html"

python vscode jinja settings

This setting enables proper highlighting of Jinja syntax in .html files.

Enable auto-save in Visual Studio Code! Otherwise, you need to manually save your file after every change. (This is a common mistake.)

Simply click File -> Auto Save to enable auto-save.

If you want more control about the auto-save behavior:

  • With Ctrl+, / +, open the Settings page. (Alternatively, click File -> Preferences -> Settings.)
  • In the search bar at the top, type in auto save. Change the setting from off to some other value, .e.g, afterDelay.
  • Scrolling down the list you’ll notice additional options, e.g., after which delay auto-save should happen (the default are 1000ms).

2.3. Set project folder as active workspace

With Visual Studio Code open, press Ctrl+K+O / +K+O (alternatively, File -> Open Folder), navigate to your 📁/webapp project folder and open it to set this folder as active workspace of the code editor.


Windows only: set default terminal application

Windows comes with two terminal applications: Command Prompt and the more modern and substantially more capable PowerShell. When trying to run the script that activates the Python Virtual Environment with PowerShell you might run into a policy violation (depending on how your Windows installation has been configured). There are two quick ways to solve this problem.

I recommend you set the good old Command Prompt as default terminal application in Visual Studio Code: Press Shift+Ctrl+P, then start typing terminal select default profile, accept the selection and choose Command Prompt from the menu.

Alternatively, type in this command every time before activating the Python Virtual Environment:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process

2.4. Create a new terminal session

Press Shift+Ctrl+P / Shift++P to open the command palette, and start typing terminal create new terminal. Accept the command. On the lower part of the IDE, a pane should open with a terminal window. Draw the pane up if it is too narrow.

The terminal session you just created works exactly as the stand-alone terminal application you know from Windows or macOS.

Verify the terminal opened in your project folder. On a Windows machine, you should be greeted with something like this (on macOS the prompt will look somewhat different):

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.4046]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


3. Create a Python Virtual Environment, activate it, and install Flask

The steps below are written with Visual Studio Code in mind. You can run all terminal commands also from a stand-alone terminal window - you don’t have to use Visual Studio Code to follow this next section.

3.1. Create a folder with a vanilla Python Virtual Environment install

Still on the terminal pane in Visual Studio Code (pointed at your project folder), type in the following and wait a bit:


python -m venv venv


python3 -m venv venv

This sets up a vanilla Python Virtual Environment in the folder 📁/venv.

If you like, run the command above with a different folder name as last argument (e.g., python -m venv virtualenvironment).

Fixes to possible errors

If you get an error message, simply re-start Visual Studio Code and try again.

If this didn’t fix your error, the virtualenv package might be missing from your Python installation. To fix, type in:

pip install -U virtualenv

If the previous command didn’t work, try this one instead:


python -m pip install -U virtualenv


python3 -m pip install -U virtualenv

…then run the venv command again.

3.2. Use the Python Virtual Environment as default for this workspace

For added convenience and to reduce errors, it makes sense to tell Visual Studio Code that you want to use your project’s Python Virtual Environment every time you run a Python script within this workspace.

Press Shift+Ctrl+P / Shift++P to open the command palette and start typing python select interpreter. Accept the command by pressing Enter and choose the Python interpreter from your project’s 📁/venv folder. Usually, Visual Studio Code will highlight this with a star (☆).

Press Shift+Ctrl+P / Shift++P again, now start typing terminal create new terminal. Accept the command to launch a new terminal. Visual Studio Code should launch the Python Virtual Environment for you. If everything worked as intended, this will be indicated with (venv) at the beginning of the terminal line.

Sometimes the automation mentioned above will fail. In that case simply restart Visual Studio Code and pull up a new terminal as instructed above.

Should this also fail, then you will need to activate the Python Virtual Environment in the 📁/venv folder manually.

Still in your terminal pane within Visual Studio Code run the activation script:


With the Command Prompt application:


With the PowerShell application:



source venv/bin/activate

Alternatively, you may navigate to the target folder with cd and run the script from there (e.g., cd /venv/Scripts, then activate.bat). Navigate up to your project root folder afterwards: cd ../..

The active Python Virtual Environment will now be indicated with (venv) at the beginning of the terminal line.

3.3. Install Flask

With a terminal open and the Python Virtual Environment active, run this command to install Flask with all its dependencies:

pip install flask

On 30 Sep 2023, Flask shipped major release 3.0.0, without much explanation or prior announcement. As a consequence, some of the Flask extensions we are going to use throughout the term might break.

If you encounter such a problem, force a downgrade to Flask v2.3.3, the last release prior to 3.0.0:

pip install --force-reinstall flask==2.3.3

3.4. Verify installation

In the “Explorer” side pane (Shift+Ctrl+E / Shift++E), you should see the 📁/venv folder you created before. Drill down to the 📁/site-packages folder to validate that Flask has been installed correctly (on macOS the folder structure is a bit different):

┬ webapp/
├─┬ venv/                    <-- Python Virtual Environment folder
  ├── Include/
  ├─┬ Lib/
  │ └─┬ site-packages/       <-- Folder containing Flask + dependencies
  │   ├── flask/
  │   ├── jinja2/
  │   └── …
  ├── Scripts/
  └── …

Congratulations, you have set up your work environment and are now ready to code some Python!

4. Optional: validate everything works by implementing a ‘Hello, World!’ application

Press Shift+Ctrl+P / Shift++P again, now start typing file new file. Accept the command. The cursor jumps into the left-hand “Explorer” side pane. Call the file 📄app.py.

Make sure the file 📄app.py is located at the top-level folder like so:

┬ webapp/
├── venv/
└── app.py                   <-- The file you just created

Type in this Python code:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return 'Hello, World!'

Note the mandatory indentation on the return line!

If autosave has not been turned on, save the file changes with Ctrl+S / +S.

Click into the lower pane with the terminal, and type in:

flask run

The Flask built-in development web server should spin up. Hold down the Ctrl / key and 🖱️left-click on the URL Your standard browser will open at that URL, and you should be greeted with a Hello, World! message.

Copyright © 2024 Prof. Dr. Alexander Eck. All rights reserved.